How did a well-known pharma company benefit from access to our Rising Stars screening tool?

Our client aimed to identify promising early-career researchers in nicotine cessation and e-cigarettes, targeting future key opinion leaders (KOLs).
The nicotine cessation scientific landscape is vast, and our client was interested in evaluating 11 markets, making it challenging to pull out Rising Stars from the author pool.
Starting with our client’s strategic objectives, we tailored our tool so that we could identify the early-career researchers in their area of interest.
Criteria such as publication volume, authorship weight and research currency were applied, with a positive weighting given to those who had co-authored with a top KOL in their respective market.
A tool to evaluate less established researchers with potential to evolve into influential thought leaders, enabling strategic engagement and new partnership opportunities aligned with our client’s long-term objectives.
Click the link below to see our Rising Stars screening tool in action with an interactive demo!
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